Wednesday 6 June 2012

Doctor Carlson will operate... Eeeek!

I was going to save this little story for storytelling Sunday but I decided I just couldn't keep it to myself a moment longer. It only happened yesterday and I have been chuckling over it ever since.
We went up the hill to see the Bluefunnels last night and had dinner there. We had fish and a tiny fishbone stuck itself into Ann's upper gum, right by her back teeth. I know, I know it sounds extremely painful, and while Ann didn't sob or anything it was pretty obvious that it was hurting a lot.
Doctor Bluefunnel agreed to operate so they went off to get tweezers and then there was a lot of muffled muttering for a few minutes and then they came back with grins on their faces so we knew everything was ok.
Colin and I had spent the time working out how we were going to get Ann to hospital and clear everything away and lock up etc. It was a relief not to have to do that I can tell you.
Anyhow, Consultant surgeon Bluefunnel said he was impressed with himself because even with his shakey hands he had managed to get hold of the fish bone and remove it. We all said how good that was and how well he had done it and then he continued "I think you are really lucky." "I suppose I am," said Ann, "You did very well"
"I know," said a very proud Mr Bluefunnel "Even with my shakes I didn't drop the tweezers down your throat!"

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