This is a short one today. I was pointed in the direction of a website about the Chindits - a special forces group in WW2 that fought the Japanese in Burma - and I went to have a look because Dennis GIBBON was a Chindit and fought there in the jungle for a couple of years. He rarely talked about it.
There are some film clips on the site so I had to look, just to see if he was on one of them.
He is.
Look at the one where General Orde Wingate is inspecting the men. You get a shot from alongside Wingate then a shot of Wingate full face. Then the shot goes back to being alongside him and just for a second you can see the GIBBON nose next to Wingate's face.
I send the link to cousin Russell, eldest son of Dennis, and he confirms that even though it is only one second of film it is definitely Dennis. Russell is pleased because he was only a teenager when Dennis died so seeing him on film is a bonus.